Monday, December 3, 2007

I thought last class session's You Tube videos of "A Girl Like Me" and "Slob Evolution" to be both interesting and alarming. To start, "A Girl Like Me" was disheartening to watch and really made me consider how African American women are viewed by non-blacks and blacks. The fact that several of the girls didn't like their natural hair type or the shade of their skin pigmentation was quite disturbing. These statements made me stop and consider the messages and depictions that the media and advertising world is sending to black youths. It is so important for anyone to be self confident and proud of their heritage. If something is counteracting these feelings, a thorough evaluation needs to take place. Secondly, the video of "Slob Evolution" although comical, had a very strong message. It is so true that humans never desire to their own natural progression and aging process on a magazine cover or billboard. Yet the depiction on the "Slob Evolution" video is a MUCH more accurate visual of a human than the rail thin models without any life left in their eyes. The saddest aspect of this entire situation is people prefer to view the attractive model's picture, regardless of the fact that no one physically resembles such people.

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