Thursday, October 11, 2007

I found it very interesting in Chapters 8 and 12 from our text the impact of sex used in advertisements today. It is disturbing to realize that kids and teens are turning to the media for information about sex because they are not able to find adequate information or answers to their questions elsewhere. I also found it very true as discussed in Chapter 12 that it is questionable whether there is even any merchandise for sale in many advertisements today. For example, the advertisement from Bebe discussed in depth looks harmless upon first glance. Then again perhaps I am simply far too used to seeing such seductive poses insinuating sexual desire and conduct. Many advertisements are even moving toward the usage of nude models in the advertisements. This comes down to the question of pornography and what constitutes pornography. I agree with the author that pornography has become more and more acceptable over time in the use of advertisements and this has a detrimental effect on kids and other youth. Pornography used to be defined as having to appeal to the prurient interest; however, now the definition appears to be slowly but surely changing depending on the arguments and motives put forth by advertisers.

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